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History Heroes takes its Scientists Game to the ASE Conference in Reading from the 8-10th January. ASE stands for the Association of Science in Education:

If you’re interested in science, it’s well worth having a look at the kind of events they hold – very interesting and all around the country throughout the year. We thought we’d take our Scientists card game to the conference as it. is a great way to learn about science – you can have great fun, using the card game in so many different ways and playing it in different forms: as a straight card game; a quiz; charades; a historical ‘guess who’; a memory game – the permutations are endless and before you realise it, you’ve learnt an enormous amount about how science has developed over the years; who has discovered what, how and when. We’re hoping to learn a lot too at the conference over the next few days.

If you fancy coming to visit us, we’ll be on stand A31 in the ASE Exhibition Marquee, Palmer Building, University of Reading, Whiteknights Campus, Reading, Berks RG6 6UR. We’d love to see you there.

The conference is ASE’s annual flagship event. We love the fact that it’s starting on the 8th January: Stephen Hawking’s birthday and the 373rd anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s death – read about these two giants of science and History Heroes Scientists (obviously!) and their spooky link in our ‘Did You Know?’ section.



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